Structural Solutions for Sustainable Concrete

Making a strong space in Salt Lake City
Walmart's Salt Lake City Supercenter encompasses more than 200,000 square feet (18,580 m2) of retail space. The store attracts thousands of shoppers from throughout Salt Lake County each year.
The store's location in a crowded urban area limited the space available for open-air surface parking. The solution was to construct a one-level supported parking terrace.
The structural engineers for the project used our STRUX® 90/40 synthetic macro fibres to reinforce the slab-on-ground concrete of the parking terrace. They also used this product in other high-traffic areas, such as the pedestrian ramp connecting the terrace and the store along with the busy loading docks.
STRUX® macro fibres helped the engineers save on time and labour. That's because STRUX® comes in a concrete-ready bag, which makes it is easy to handle. It also disperses evenly throughout the concrete matrix.
New York’s WTC Complex is protected by MONOKOTE®
MONOKOTE® Fireproofing products were the clear choice for the reconstruction of the World Trade Center Complex in New York City. An array of MONOKOTE® products were used on One World Trade Center (also known as Freedom Tower).
MONOKOTE®’s superior in-place performance properties were driving factors for being chosen by the design team, while the products abilities to be safely conveyed from the ground up over 75 floors provide operational efficiencies to the applicator. In addition to protecting One World Trade Center, MONOKOTE® has also been chosen to protect 4 World Trade Center (74 floors), 3 World Trade Center (80 floors) and the Vehicle Security Center.
The ability for the MONOKOTE® to be conveyed safely at pumping pressure well below the industry average provides operational efficiencies by reducing the need for frequent relocation of the conveying equipment.